This project is part of the Idea Box programme which runs from Oct 2016 - Oct 2017 at the Schiller International University Heidelberg. It aims at improving civic life.

We are creating a self sufficient Agriculture Ecosystem to improve nutrition in Egypt and we will pilot this project in Heidelberg. That introduces the technology of Aquaponics to the current agriculture industry. It will provide a more efficient and cost-effective way to offer a balanced diet to people.

How it works

In order to execute this project, we will buy a piece of land and the needed machinary/resources to prove the concept. We are supported by experienced leaders in the field of Agriculture.

When we start it

The project will be started in September 2017.

Why it is so important

It provides people with healthier nutritional choices that are of lower cost. It solves the problem and lack of resources in the Agricultural sector.

Who we are

Tarek Darwish

Mohamed Medhat Ismai


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